Superhero film “Spider-Man: Homecoming” and its sequels, “Spider-Man: Far from Home” and “Spider-Man: No Way Home” star Tom Holland and Zendaya set their fans into frenzy. Tom and Zendaya were spotted at Mumbai Airport to attend the inauguration of the Nita Mukesh Ambani Cultural Centre. The event will take place over the weekend in Mumbai
The couples were in headlines earlier because of a ring seen on the finger of Zendaya with imprint TH. The couple have huge fan following all over the world. Now Fan are so crazy in Indian when they saw Zendaya and Tom Holland arrived at Mumbai airport. The twitter is going crazy with so much fans reactions.
My favourite Zendaya is here and of course Tom Holland.. They are here for the launch of Nita Mukesh Ambani Cultural Centre (NMACC) in Mumbai.
This is going to be a huge event, the entire Bollywood is making sure they are invited. The red carpet will be a treat to watch.— Sangacious (@sangacious) March 31, 2023
tom holland and zendaya are in mumbai 🥺❤️
— fran multi 💫🕷️🕸️ (@hpspideywayne) March 31, 2023